The EKTEK Trilogy


Absurd fiction about endangered animals 

EK         ~       Ecology

+      TEK        ~       Technology

=       EKTEK               ~       Possible Survival?

EKTEK like to think of themselves as a crack team of environmental resistance fighters. The truth is somewhat more peculiar. Who ever heard of a frog flying a plane? Or a bat driving a car?  Everyone knows numbats can’t design websites and there’s absolutely no way a restaurant could specialise in serving endangered creatures …

Could it?

Slivers of roast leopard

stuffed with golden lion tamarin

on celeriac puree

with gold leaf flecks


Think Thunderbirds meets Colditz

and buy all three EKTEK books in one handy volume!




(If you like it, could you please offer your opinion as an Amazon review?)


7 thoughts on “The EKTEK Trilogy

  1. I’ve just finished the first of the trilogy, “Last Chance to Eat”. It is a grizzly tale and I must admit it caused me to research whether such restaurants do exist or whether it is the product of Victoria’s warped imagination. I was horrified to find that they are real albeit some of them clandestine. The environmental message needs to be constantly put out there in new and fresh ways and Victoria’s story achieves this. I laughed often (“Half the time we’re working in the dark. Not that that’s such a bad thing in itself”, Min) and I occasionally winced (some gruesome scenes). I needed to create for myself a character list to keep track of who’s who in the zoo. But it is well worth the read.

    • Thank you, Neil for your positive comments. I love that you called it a ‘grizzly tale’! Brilliant! Wonder if you’re going to read the other two?

  2. “Why, hullo, there, said the croc—Who have we here? Oh, how rude I am. I’m forgetting myself. Let me introduce myself. I’m Shining Teeth. And you are?”

    “—Hey! Fuzz Face! Psycho Killer! Shining Teeth had followed them and, still snickering like some drug crazed human pervert, said…………………”

    Good on you, Victoria. I haven’t read more than these introductory extracts yet, but here are a couple of tiny questions: Would that not be better without the comma, e.g., “Why hullo there…..”
    and would “drug crazed”be better with a hyphen, e.g., “drug-crazed”?
    Wonderful stuff!!

  3. Your trilogy is an interesting and original idea. As an English teacher I think this series would appeal to upper primary school children to middle secondary school teens. To appeal to this audience the trilogy would benefit from making it clearer earlier on what the context of the story is about as this cohort of readers like to know what’s going on from the beginning. For example, a prologue that connects characters and scenes. Graphics would help to bring this story more to life. Please note that my feedback is only based on the opening chapter of Kill the Pandas. I could only commit to reading a short extract as I have already committed other writers’ works and have writing schedule to press on with. It would be great if you could return the favor and read a short extract of either my novella, Drew’s Party or the novels, On the Wind’s Breath or In Jeopardy (available from February 14)

    • Thank you, Lynette, lovely comment. It’s very generous of you to read any of it, but, uh oh … You started at book three! I’ll take a good look at the labelling and descriptions. The order of the books should be much clearer.

      Sadly, I don’t have an e-reader yet so I don’t think I can purchase either of your books at the moment. I’ll keep examining your website for a free extract!

      • Thanks for your suggestion that I post an extract on my Website and double this up with my Facebook pages – I will put this on my to do list. From February I will be publishing another novel and if Palmer Higgs feature me as author of the week I will be posting some content from all three fiction works. You can go to their Facebook page at any time to check out what they post about a number of self published authors and writers in general.

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