DAY FOUR – Evansburg – Jasper – Blue River
We did not stop in Jasper.

Jasper burned during the fires of July 2024.

We could see workers in white hazard suits and face masks through the windows of affected buildings, cleaning. Endless cleaning.

Frightened by the train, jumping out of a small pool close to the tracks, its large buttocks atop spindly flailing legs, the head turning with the familiar antlers – (did everyone love Northern Exposure as much as me? Yes, I know it’s about Alaska and it was filmed in Washington) – as the poor beast scrambled to safety and we rolled on through, the mountain looming over fresh green after the brown crunch of burn had past.

Much discussion around tips and methodology. You’ll be pleased to know I prepared by going to the bank in Sioux Lookout. I was able to throw five dollar notes around with gay abandon – like my Great Aunt Win who historically displayed a generous attitude when she travelled. I suspect she was helping me from above.

There was no work on my project. Ever. No desk? No worries. The timeless quality sitting on the train brings us all into a twilight zone. We were mesmerised by intense views gliding past the windows. I would say ‘Chocolate Box’ views but that’s out of date. In my current work I open the computer to see the screen saver showing photos of Blue River or Mount Robson and I say, ‘I’ve been there! That’s in British Colombia!’ My non-English speaking students hear, ‘I’ve blah here blah blah blah’.

As the crow flies, the distance between Toronto and Vancouver is 3354 kilometers (2084 miles). Listen to Kate and Anna. They’ll tell you about it.
Hello Victoria,
When I read that ‘tons of water fall down, and flush through power stations, one keeping the entire state of New York switched on, another powering up the whole province of Ontario’ I confess that I was sceptical. Can that really be so?
Meanwhile I look forward to reading the rest of your account of a journey which I hope to do myself one day.
Absolutely true. I had photos of the NY power station taken from the bus but, you know, action photos are not the best. This is the one that powers New York state: and this is a general report:
You can do a ‘behind the falls’ tour which as I say, I missed but saw other people’s photos and it looks AWESOME. That takes you behind the first hydro scheme and through the tunnel.
I hope you do the cross continental trip – you’d really enjoy meeting so many like minded people. I think you’d be pretty good at train bingo, too!
Great write-up! I enjoyed it almost as much as sharing the train ride with you. If I had a hat I would tip it 15%.
Thank you so much, Joris! Looking forward to reading more about your adventures! Will you share your blog address here?
Do you mean a 15% chance you would tip your hat or you would angle your hat, just a little, to 15% off perfect?
Hello again my fearless friend. I have a small contribution thus far – bananas are not trees, like bamboo. Monocotyledons.
( this is a cotyledon )
I attempted a stupid emoji in brackets above. So in words, I was trying to illustrate monocotyledons emerge from seeds with a single leaf-like emergent. Dicotolydons emerge with two. Look for a blade of grass verses basil.
Such a side-stream sorry.
All to congratulate you for your tale-telling
Excellent sleuthing, Louiselle! Will amend at once!